I've got two of them. But in a good way, not in a root-through-your-garbage way. My sister rescued a big mama rat who promptly gave birth to a litter of eight. I went home one weekend and got offered some rats the moment I stepped in the door. I can't believe how much fun they are! I've always thought of rat owners as role-playing game types who live in the basement of their parents' house. Now I'm one of them. I've never had a pet before! The one with the blue racing strip is Rez. She's a total spaz. The white one is Sasha, and she's more chill. (That's relative -- her heart still beats 400 times per minute.) They're albino, which is the kind of rat used most often in labs. I hope I got rats like the Rats of NIMH. They live in an enormous cage that was meant for a ferret -- I kind of went crazy at the pet store.
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